【同义词辨析】 2017-08-03 正义justice-equity

justice: may apply to an ideal abstraction, to a quality of mind reflecting this, to quality of inherent truth or fairness, or to treatment due one who has transgressed a law OR who was wronged or threatened: refused to allow such travesty of ~ while she was judge.

equity: stress fairness and impartiality, and implies a justice that transcends the letter of law, and is in keeping with what is reasonable RATHER than merely legal: divided the pie with absolute ~ among the greedy children. (transcend超越) (in keeping with一致)

justice正义: 体现真相公平(truth,fairness),即善恶各得其所(文中treatment due),equity平等: 即公平不偏倚,超越(或不局限于)法律条文,是不仅合法更做到了合理的正义。


         2) 虽然equity解释成"平等",但实际上"公平"(即公正里的)也用这个词。

         4)正义的意思是使各得其所mean the art, practice, or obligation of rendering to another what is his, her, or its due.      
            Jason, 2018.1.1